Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Do You Like to Read?

My wife laughs at me sometimes.

Well, she laughs at me for many reasons, but she laughs at me sometimes about my nightime reading.

I love to read.

Some of my favorite authors are Brandon Mull, Terry Brooks, David Mccullough, Christopher Paolini, and many, many others. As you can see I love to read science fiction, non-fiction, and youth novels.

So far not really a reason to be laughed at. dirty little secret.... I love to read through board game rule books at night when I am going to bed.

I do not think that this is weird. I'm guessing that a lot of gamers do this when going to bed?

I love reading rulebooks. I find it fun and interesting. Plus, I'm a slow learner and it helps me to read through a rulebook a couple of times before the first gameplay.

My wife does not agree with me.

She is fine with reading through a rulebook and learning gameplay but she does not find it a fun and joyful thing to do.

For me, it is interesting to learn of game mechanics and play. I love to find out what makes this game different from the last. I know that this can be found out by playing the game, but I do not get to play games every night so I read rulebooks :)

What are some of your favorite genres, autors, and things to read? 

1 comment:

  1. i like sci-fi fantasy. I like Tamora pierce. Shes a good youth fantasy writer. I also love Greek Mythology. I find it very interesting on how the Greeks used many Gods to come up with why and how things were. There are also many other Mythologies I want to study, but one step at a time. Cassandra Clark is also a good writer and an interesting read.
