Saturday, June 18, 2011

Advice on Starting a local Board Gaming Group?

Hello all,

Heather and I have been wanting to start a Board Gaming Group for a long time now. I would like to see if anyone can give us some advice on best practices?

We were thinking of starting with one or two nights a month. We would advertise using Facebook, BGG, and word of mouth.

Our Church will let us use the multi-purpise room to host the group, which will not have any overhead and there are plenty of tables and chairs that we can use.

I am thinking of a Friday/Saturday night or Saturday day but I am not positive yet what would work best. All gamers would be welcome. The area is big enough that it could comfortably fit 15 or more large tables. It would also be bring your own snacks and drinks. Although I feel that most snacks are not a gamers best friend.


What recommendations can everyone give me for getting this going?


  1. cool blog, i found you from bgg
    anyways im a college student so its been easy to make my own board gaming group, i found friends who liked board games and then met every friday and saturday night to play. I think the hardest part is finding a group of friends who like board games (took me a while), so maybe start off my inviting your neighbors or finding coworkers and inviting them to your place or church. It will take a while, but dont give up!

  2. Thanks! We have enjoyed it so far. Feel free to check back, we plan to post daily.

