Thursday, June 16, 2011

Intoducing a Friend to the World of Dominion

Hey its Michael again,

Pictured above you will find our good friend Kristin after her first experience with Dominion. To give you a little background about Krisitn;
          Kristin loves to play Party games. If you allow her to choose the game, I would guess that 9 times out of 10 she is going to choose to play either CoMotion or Times Up. She is really good at both of these games and usually wins. LOL!

I think that both games are a lot of fun but I like a little more variety than that.

Now, Kristin may disagree with me, but I think that some board game art and titles scare her. For example, when we presented Dominion to Kristin, and I asked her what she thought, she said it looks a little "weird" LOL!!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dominion, the box looks like this;

To give Kristin credit, Heather does make the box look less "weird" :)

Krisitin, being a good sport, decided that she would give it a try.

Before I proceed, here is a summary of Dominion:

Dominion is a deck builing game meant for 2-4 players. In Dominion you act as a monarch who has an immense desire to build the greatest kingdom "Dominion," but you are not the only one. Along with you every other player is a monarch with the same desires.

As you can see below you have an area occupied by cards that you can buy and add to your deck. All of which can be obtained during a players turn.

A player starts their turn by drawing 5 cards from their predetermined deck of 10 cards. With these 5 cards the person plays an action card, then purchases new cards from the piles on the table, and then discards the rest of their hand into a discard pile. After the draw pile runs out the player shuffles their discard pile and that then becomes their new draw pile, thus builiding the size of their deck. 

The point of the game being to collect the most victory points in your deck before the game ends.

Getting back to Kristin's new experience. She caught on fast and was enjoying this new game. I digress again... I would recommend that when teaching this to a new player, to play open handed for the first couple of rounds until everyone is on board. Then once everyone feels comfortable I would recommend stating out loud what actions you are taking and what you are buying. I have found that this method of teaching works well for this game.

I think that Kristin was saddened to find that at the end of the game she did not have the most victory points in her deck but she said it was "Fun"!!

Thanks for being a good sport Krisitn :)

You can view my board game collection and read more about all board games at my Boardgamegeek homepage

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